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  • Writer's picturefreedomconcealed

Welcome to My New Website

Welcome to my website! I am so excited to share my new site design with all of you. I first launched my website about a year ago, but I felt like it was time to give it a fresh new look. My goal for my site is to have one place where my followers can easily find links to all of the articles I have written and all of my favorite products.

I am also excited to be celebrating the second anniversary of Freedom Concealed. This past year of Freedom Concealed was even better than the first and I am so thankful for all of the support I have received. It is not always easy to put yourself out there on a public social media account about a somewhat controversial subject like firearms. I recently received some sweet messages from my followers that reminded me of why I do what I do. One of my favorite parts of my Instagram journey is the fact that I have been able to connect with so many inspiring women who are also passionate about self-defense. Besides being a fun thing for me to do in my free time, my Instagram account has helped me expand my business and marketing knowledge by allowing me to apply and observe principles that I have learned throughout my college classes. Before starting this account, I had no idea what I wanted my future career to be and Freedom Concealed is the reason I am now a marketing major.

Thank you to everyone who has supported Freedom Concealed over the past two years. I can't wait to see what this next year will bring for Freedom Concealed. Cheers to 2020!


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